Tutoring FAQs
Where do I find the schedule? The most current schedule is posted on the library website under "Tutoring".
I’m all caught up, and I don’t need help—thanks! Good to hear you’re caught up. You still need a dedicated time and space to study—not just to “do” the readings or homework but also to make connections across the course material. You’re always welcome to come to tutoring sessions. Think of tutoring more like a wellness practice than a first aid clinic!
Do you have any resources for me regarding reading in my courses? Some of them don't offer tutoring. Yes! The "Reading in College" libguide offers many resources for approaching reading and comprehension in any Westmont college course.
Oh no! I have mandatory rehearsal or practice that conflicts with the tutoring session! If you can only make a part of the session, please do what you can and let the tutor know. Also, please email Julissa Delgado, tutoring@bj7dian.com; she’ll try to find a solution for you.
I got sick and fell behind, and I don’t know how to catch up. Email your course professor first. Please email Julissa Delgado about your situation and try to meet with her with your course materials before the next tutoring session. She will work with you and the tutor as much as possible.
My tutor focused on the textbooks and exam and didn’t have time to help me find sources or organize my paper. Thanks for coming to group tutoring! In addition, you could stop by the Research Help Desk throughout the day or 7-10 pm M-Th, and also make an appointment or drop by the Writers’ Corner. Talking through what you’re working on is a good academic habit to develop.
I understand what services are available for classes, but I wanted to talk with my tutor more about what I’m going through and what it’s like being at Westmont. While tutors are friendly and easy to talk to, tutoring sessions are focused on course-specific work—this other kind of conversation is better suited for the peer coaches. You can make an appointment here: http://k6zl.bj7dian.com/current-students/center-student-success/peer-coaching.
I’ve taken some of these classes already—how do I become a tutor? Email Julissa at any time to be added to an email list when the next job posting comes up. And talk with your professor toward the end of the course. The hiring process has both faculty/dept recommendations and job application with interview.